"Not all paths are taken, but some must be. As a researcher, I aspire for our lab's developments to be practical and market-oriented," said chief scientist Fu Chao in a recent exclusive interview with Yangcheng Evening News. As the chairman of Zhuoyi Greene Tech, has led his team to break new ground in the commercialization of scientific achievements. He has spearheaded the commercialization of Porous Medium Combustion (PMC) technology in China and positioned his team at the forefront of global industrial carbon reduction with core advantages in the preparation of advanced ceramic materials and innovative clean combustion technologies.

Fu Chao, chief scientist at Songshan Lake Materials Laboratory: advancing industry with scientific innovations  第1张

"Commercialization of materials science is a long, costly, and risky endeavor," Fu admitted during the interview, acknowledging the challenges of the research direction he has chosen. However, his resolve remains unshaken. A graduate of Harbin Institute of Technology, Fu is one of the earliest researchers in China to engage in the commercialization of materials science, a path he has pursued for decades.

Fu's team has achieved remarkable energy savings of up to 67% and has reduced nitrogen emissions to an ultra-low level of less than 30mg/m³. They have tackled and overcome the longstanding issues associated with the traditional manufacturing of silicon carbide porous ceramics, such as low strength, poor thermal shock resistance, difficulty in processing, and the inability to unify strength and permeability, thus significantly improving the material's performance. Moreover, based on high-performance porous ceramics and leveraging PMC technology, they have developed a range of industrial heating equipment tailored to various operating conditions, further expanding the industry chain to create ecological and value networks.

Contrary to the stereotypical image of a scientist, Fu spends most of his time immersed in market and business engagements. Staff at the Songshan Lake Materials Laboratory showed the reporter Fu's work schedule, which is filled with frequent business trips. "I'm in the lab for about 7-10 days a month, and the rest of the time, I'm out there, striving to turn research papers into practical solutions," Fu humorously noted. His deep industry insights and comprehensive understanding have enabled him to anticipate market trends and address customer needs, ensuring that advanced research products can effectively tackle the industry's challenges.

"Moving forward, we aim to establish a platform that connects Dongguan with the national and international arenas so that energy-saving materials and products can benefit more manufacturing enterprises and cities," Fu is currently focused on expanding his initiatives across Dongguan and the nation, showcasing scientific research achievements and their effects to a wide range of manufacturing enterprises, promoting the rapid application of technology products across the country and even globally.

Source : Lingnan on the Cloud







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